Foothills United Church
What to Expect
You will find a Greeter and Service bulletins in the foyer.
As you enter the back of the church, there will be an offering box and a “blessings jar”. These are available in place of the “collection plate”.
Please sit anywhere that feels comfortable.
Hymn books are available on cart. The hymns are often projected on the back wall for convenience. Please join in singing.
A candle table is available for lighting a candle and for a prayer at any time during the service. A prayer basket is available on back table to give to the prayer chain.
After service stay to enjoy fellowship with tea and coffee. Welcome to Foothills United Church.
Upcoming Services
September 29th Sunday Service begins at 10:30 am
Important: Followed by Congregational Council Meeting
October 6th Sunday Service begins at 10:30 am
Stay for fellowship and refreshments after service.
Ladies Advent Afternoon will be on Tues Nov 26 starting at 1 pm. Bring your potluck item and come join us for a time of fellowship, singing, laughter and plenty of good food!
Hope and Light service will be held on Sun Dec 15 (more info to come)
Christmas Eve service will be on Dec 24 at 7 pm.
Notices and Events
Thursday October 3: Craft and Coffee at Foothills United 1pm – 3pm
Wednesday October 9: Drumming with Marsha Read at Foothills United 6pm. A donation would be appreciated to cover costs. Drums and accessory instruments are provided or bring your own. Everyone welcome!
Clothing AND Thrift, Thursday, October 17th, from 1 to 6 p.m.
Gently used and reasonable priced items at the Clothing Boutique 3rd Floor. Find at the Second Floor Thrift Store many items like toys, books, housewares, collectibles, jewellery, DVDs, art, at reasonable prices. New items every month.
SALE featuring CHRISTMAS items, Saturday, November 16th, from 10 am to 3pm. in 3 areas of the church. Come early for the best bargains.
Regular Thrift Store sales and Clothing Boutique sales are always the 3rd Thursday of the month except December.
More drumming Wednesday Nov 13: Drumming at Foothills United 6pm. Welcome! Drums are provided or bring your own.
Foothills United Online Thrift/Garage Sale
Donated items are available at Facebook Marketplace. You can browse and purchase items like toys, houseware, furniture and more. From Facebook: search for “Foothills U.C. Online Garage Sale”.
Foothills United Church exists to provide people with an opportunity to worship God, to share God’s love
and to express God’s will through devotion, obedience and service.